Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Two More Saturdays and a Wonderful Surprise

It's almost October and the Reading Corner has now had three successful sessions! Unfortunately, I had to miss the August date due to a mandatory band function, but I'm told it went well and two children attended. This may not seem like much, but that's two more kids getting reading help than before! I'm so sad I wasn't there to personally help, but I got to make up for it this month.

Saturday brought the September date, along with three children. First, two brothers, Austen, age eight and Wyatt, age three. Austen browsed some super hero books, while Wyatt pulled books off the shelves, ready to be read to. He plopped down and patted the chair next to him, patiently waiting to hear about 101 Dalmatians. We read several times, each time until his attention span (which isn't very long for a three year old) ran out and he was up and onto the next thing. Not long after, a nine-year-old girl, Mary, joined us in the Reading Corner and quickly took over my job, reading to Wyatt.

It's so cool for me to see something like that, one child reading to another. Mary was not only practicing her own reading skills, but was instantly inclined to read out loud to a younger child. This is the type of thing I only imagined when I first embarked on this project, and it's surreal to see it come to life. I know I keep saying that, but I almost can't believe what was a seemingly impossible idea a year ago, is now an actual thing that's taking place in the lives of actual kids. I hope it's made a difference in their lives, because it has in mine.

To finish up this post, some great news! I was informed today that a kind stranger has donated some money to the Reading Corner. She found out about it from the Livingston Facebook page and decided to send a portion of a donation to the church directly to this program. I can hardly believe it, and am filled with awe and gratitude. What a blessing so many people have been on this journey.

God is good!

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